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Student Lean Certification Course

A Special Non-Academic One-Week Immersion in True Lean™

Designed just for UK Students
Fee: $400 and $2,500 non-student fee
Location: Robotics Building. (RMB)- UK Campus-Lexington, Kentucky
Dates: May 6-10 and August 12-16, 2024.

Admittance to the course will be determined on a first come first served basis. Registration is not final until payment is made.

We’re sorry – this course is offered at a very special low price intended to make it easy on student budgets. It is only available to full-time students currently enrolled at UK or another college/university. We can’t make exceptions.

NOTE: This course presents a large amount of information in a short period of time. Failure to attend and/or complete homework assignments will seriously impact the benefits of the course. Class attendance and completed homework assignments are required to qualify for the certificate.

Want to know more about the course?
To register by phone or for more information contact Sandra Dunn – 859-257-4886.


Please tell us if you have any special needs that may require accommodations or assistance.

What is Lean and why is it important to me?

Lean systems is a philosophy of continuously improving efficiency by eliminating waste. It started in manufacturing (specifically Toyota) and has spread all over the industrial, business, and health care arenas – and beyond.

Today, lean systems training is an advantage in the job market regardless of your field.

Why should I enroll?

Academic courses on this topic are limited – so the College of Engineering Lean Systems Program is offering a unique week-long non-academic certification course especially for UK students. It’s even scheduled to accommodate your academic schedule during summer break – the week after Spring semester ends and the week prior to the start of Fall semester. You will NOT receive any credit towards your degree, but you will receive a Lean Certification to add to your resume.

Because employers know it costs thousands of dollars to train workers in lean, they are looking for graduates who are already knowledgeable in lean systems.

And because the UK Lean Systems Program has had an active partnership with Toyota Motor Manufacturing since 1994, the curriculum offered uses the Toyota Production System as it’s benchmark. That’s why we call it True Lean™.

It’s about investing in yourself!

Here’s a chance to increase your capabilities and marketability at a low cost in an intensely concentrated course, plus a chance to offer prospective employers a lean skill level above most other graduates.

If you want to do an internship or co-op while you’re still a student, acquiring this certification will help you compete with others seeking those limited opportunities.

Finally – one of the major advantages of training with UK is that we follow through with our clients, developing a lean community or network. You will be added to our listserv. As you move forward with completing your degree and into your professional career, this access to our support will be another enhancement for your qualifications.

What does the Student Certification Course cover?

This course is designed to build your basic knowledge of true lean principles and practices, plus the most important lean tools.

It will be an intensive five full days of hands-on instructional strategy, focused on the specially designed lean cylinder factory laboratory where we regularly teach basic lean tools, standardization, collaborative problem solving, and continuous improvement.

Topics covered include:

  • Development and application of basic lean tools
  • The importance of stability and how to achieve it
  • Creating flow through the system
  • Developing and maintaining standard work
  • Establishing a pull system to meet customer requirements
  • Developing small lot production capability
  • Understanding production leveling and its role in overall system stability
  • Kaizen – understanding the continuous improvement roles of
    • standardization
    • systematic problem solving
  • Roles thinking in a true lean system

Skills learned will include:

  • 5S, visual control and other lean tools for basic processes
  • Systematic problem solving as practiced by Toyota
  • Using M&I flowcharts (value stream mapping) to understand system requirements and identify bottlenecks
  • The Yamazumi concept

Just knowing the meaning of these principles, but more importantly, how to use them, will put you head and shoulders above the crowd to help you get a better, higher paying job after graduation.

Drop off or mail checks (payable to University of Kentucky) to:

Sandra Dunn
220 Robotics Bldg.
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0108

To pay with a credit card over the phone contact: 

Sandra Dunn 
859-257-4886 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm