Onsite GAP Assessment
Designed for:
Organizational Professionals at all levels and Departments
This activity is conducted onsite. Senior True Lean™ Practitioners apply True Lean criteria to assess the current state vs. True Lean ideal state of the organization and then identify the significant gaps as opportunities to transition towards the ideal state. We then partner with your organization’s leadership to prioritize those gaps and develop a Master Transition Plan to begin (or strengthen) your transition toward your version of a True Lean™ system.
- Pre-work & discussions to ensure onsite activities are effective and flow with operations
- Kickoff meeting with key leaders & stakeholders
- True Lean™ Practitioners “go & see” to assess:
- Leadership alignment
- People & culture environment
- State of Standardization
- Operations processes & practices
- Support functions, processes & practices
- Problem-solving practices
- Additional areas, as determined in the pre-work discussions
- Discussion with key leaders & stakeholders to review initial findings, along with recommendations for both short- and long-term development activities
- Initial development of a Master Transition Plan
- Summary meeting to confirm understanding of all results, opportunities, and plans
Registration Information
Location: Company location
Contact truelean@uky.edu to begin the process for your customized assessment.