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Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin = Goals (with targets), & the means for achieving them to address business priorities.  

Kanri = Management

Learn how Hoshin Kanri establishes and manages enterprise-wide targets and goals that align resources toward breakthrough improvements in performance. Hoshin Kanri engages all levels of the organization in systematic problem-solving while developing essential capabilities and capacity to address strategic challenges.

Designed for

Organizational Professionals at all levels and Departments

The knowledge you will gain
  1. The role of leadership in establishing hoshin and the use of the Hoshin process
  2. How to address business needs effectively & efficiently through the application of systematic problem-solving to plan and align company resources 
  3. Essentials of hoshin communication to meaningful top down & bottom up, participative, target & means focused strategic planning
  4. How hoshin kanri contributes to human development and building a high-performance culture
  5. Creating a visual management system to track both results and the process
Interactive with Gap Analysis “Takeaway”
  • This interactive session includes Hoshin planning tools and examples for participants to begin developing their process 
  • Understanding the key strengths of Hoshin Kanri with interactive reflection vs. your current strategic planning methodology. 
Coaching Available
  • Executive Coaching for Individuals implementing the Hoshin Kanri system
  • Ongoing needs-based coaching on the Hoshin Kanri process    

Registration Information

Location: At your company site
Length: 2 Days
Fee: $2,500 per on-campus participant

For information on fees for a dedicated session, contact